Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket

Best In Slot Trinkets For Prot Paladin

Head | Hands |
Neck | Waist |
Shoulder | Legs |
Back | Feet |
Chest | Finger 1 |
Finger 2 | |
Trinket 1 | |
Wrist | Trinket 2 |
Mainhand | Offhand |
You may Copy & Paste this best in slot list to your guild forum Make sure you paste the code as BBCode in your thread. |
Best PvE Protection Paladins gear Last Database Update: 20 Dec 2019 - Players with 1/8 or more bosses killed in Mythic mode - Items with less than 1% rating are not displayed.
Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinkets

Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket Wow Classic
BiS Gear (best in slot) is the list of the best items and enchantments you can get for your Fury Warrior and Prot Warrior in PvE. Thanks to Classic WoW community and many contributors, you can check here the best gear for your Warrior during all the phases of WoW Classic. And of course, Darkmoon Deck: Immortality is still a very powerfull trinket when it comes to physical damage mitigation. I think Blizzard made a very good job with the Antorus tanking trinkets, I think it's the first time I actually use two tank dedicated trinkets because they are good for survivability, with a decent DPS gain and are pretty.